
  • 200+ countries
  • 900+ competitions


  • 15,000 updates daily for all sports!


  • Events are added literally as soon as they happen!

Why Xscores? provides live scores and sports related information, covering 6 different sports from more than 200 countries and 510 individual competitions. In our state of the art equipped data centers our sports editors, supervisors and live operators collect, process and publish scores, results and related sports events data, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. In addition to publishing data at our web site, we also provide the content of our rich data base to numerous companies as a real time live data feed.
Regarding our main line of work, providing live scores and sports information, all data and information are collected/edited/produced “in house” using our own proprietary software solutions. We hold all legal ownership and copyright over published information.

Our Products

HTML Widgets

Fast, reliable and fast XML Feed for livescores, fixtures, standings and more..

Hosted livescore website

Fast, reliable and fast XML Feed for livescores, fixtures, standings and more..