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  3. XML (Old API) – Will be deprecated soon
  4. System Characteristics

System Characteristics

There are 2 different ways of calling the XML, Update calls and Structure calls

Update CallsEg. /exporter/?state=clientUpdate&usr=user&pwd=pass&type=1&s=1&h=10881500
Structure CallsEg. /exporter/?state=clientStructure&usr=user&pwd=pass&type=11&s=1


usrYour xscores username
pwdYour xscores password
typerequest type number
state It should be clientUpdate or clientStructure
ssport id
h the latest history id the client has for a sport
startthe start date for a custom search in format YYYY-MM-DD
endthe end date for a custom search in format YYYY-MM-DD
l (small L)the league id, can be many, separate with ;
viewLastif you want to see the standings for the last 2 matches then viewLast=2, for all matches viewLast=0
mid is the parameter used by type 10 to get a specific match


– The return type is XML.

– The history id for each sport is returned xml in the sport tag, with parameter hid and for piped output it will be the value between the two first pipes.

– The start and end parameters only affect a query where Type 5 call is set, this will be “start” and “end” values, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

– Note: if the dates are further apart than one month then the end value is reset to start day + 31 days.

– The l ( small L) parameter only affects a query where Type 6 call and Type 7 call is set, this is the league id.

– The viewLast parameter applies only to the Type 7 call, where you say that you want to view the table for the last 2 played games then viewLast=2 or you want to see – the whole table then the viewLast=0 legit value for viewLast is from 2-10.

IS LEAF and IS NOT LEAFIS LEAF in a competition description, it means this is the last level, i.e. this is the competition id to be used in other calls. IS NOT LEAF means there is one or more other levels and the customer must keep calling Type 14 call with the id’s given to get to the last level (IS LEAF).

<bitArray> is used in Type 1 Update calls. Bit array is a binary representation that denotes the field(s) that was updated since last call.

timestamp field shows the time that the update was made in milliseconds format.

Multi-sport function: when selecting more than one sport you have to separate the values with a semicolon sign (;) and you will also need to add the specific history id’s for each sport as well as a semicolon separated list.

Security Requirements

  • This service demands a username and password, a static IP (a range of up to 10 IPs can be used to access exporter) and an active account, also there are update frequency limitations

Output Specifications

Full documentation of the output is defined in the following schemas:




Data Conversion

Conversions of the data are done by predefined xsl files, though we support custom user types. As long as the user builds their own xsl based on the schema we publish and sign according agreement we are able to parse the data to customer definitions.

Data Validation

  • Input
